Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Welcome to our classroom blog!

This is a new idea I haven't tried before. We're going to use this classroom blog to talk to each other when we're not in class! We can talk about literature, about the reading, about the writing -- whatever! It's a place for you to ask questions, make comments, get clarification, etc. Assignments will still be in the web folder, but you can post your writing here and ask for feedback from me and classmates before the assignment is due.

Some simple rules:

First names only! We all know each other. Please don't use nicknames or other names I won't recognize because I do need to know who you are.

NEVER post personal information here. This is the web; it's very public. Although you must sign in to post, anyone can read comments. NO last names, phone numbers, or addresses.

NEVER use this blog to make hurtful, mean, cruel, or insensitive comments about real people. Calling a character in a novel crazy is okay. Calling someone who sits next to you is not!

Let's blog!